Humor Quotes

Humor Quotes

The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity. -
George Carlin

Humor Quotes

The cucumber and the tomato are both fruit; the avocado is a nut. To assist with the dietary requirements of vegetarians, on the first Tuesday of the month a chicken is officially a vegetable. -
Jasper Fforde

Humor Quotes

The dead are way more organized than the living. -
China Miéville

Humor Quotes

The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away. -
Stephen Hawking

Humor Quotes

The easiest way to get from point A to point B is with a vehicle that runs on alphabet soup. -
Jarod Kintz

Humor Quotes

The entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. -
Terry Pratchett