Death Quotes

Death Quotes

- had a million things to do today; death would have to wait, -(The Tin Star) -
J.L. Langley

Death Quotes

. . .then his face changed suddenly, as if his skin had been torn downward. Surprise, then shock. His skin gone gray. -
Kimberly Cuttler

Death Quotes

... In the end - when all else is dust - loyalty to those we love is all we can carry with us to the grave. Faith - true faith - was trusting in that love. -
Dan Simmons

Death Quotes

… on doit des égards aux vivants, on ne doit aux morts que la vérité. -

Death Quotes

... we die, just as we were born, at the edge of a road not of our choosing. -
Amin Maalouf

Death Quotes

…but there they lay, sprawled across the field, craved far more by the vultures than by wives. -