Death Quotes

Death Quotes

trust your heart, if theseas catch fire, and live by love though the stars walk backward. -
e.e cummings

Death Quotes

Twas something else. I had come to hate her, you see. I had come to wish her dead, and that was what held me back. -
Stephen King

Death Quotes

Two turtle doves will show theeWhere my cold ashes lieAnd sadly murmuring tell theeHow in tears I did die -
Nikolai Gogol

Death Quotes

Und das Atmen fällt mir ach so schwer. -

Death Quotes

Unless their use by readers bring them to life, books are indeed dead things. -
Lawrence Clark Powell

Death Quotes

Usually time alters and affects everything, but when someone you love dies time cannot change that, no amount of time will ever change that, so time stops having any meaning. -
Rosamund Lupton