Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Those who live in memories are never really dead."The House At Riverton -
Kate Morton

Death Quotes

Till her appointed course be run;Till on the darkness faint her breathFlown to the silent void, and DeathSit crowned upon the ashen sun.( The Testimony of the Suns ) -
George Sterling

Death Quotes

Time and death sleep side by side. -
Garth Nix

Death Quotes

Time erodes us all. -
Meg Rosoff

Death Quotes

Time has transfigured them intoUntruth. The stone fidelityThey hardly meant has come to beTheir final blazon, and to proveOur almost-instinct almost true:What will survive of us is love. -
Philip Larkin

Death Quotes

To be alive, it seemed to me, as I stood there in all kinds of sorrow, was to be both original and reflection, and to be dead was to be split off, to be reflection alone. -
Teju Cole