Death Quotes

Death Quotes

To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something; to be inspirational is to be crazy enough to live a little. -
Criss Jami

Death Quotes

To die famous is the goal of the immortal. To die young is the goal of the healthy. To die memorably is the goal of the survivor. -

Death Quotes

To every man his little cross. Till he dies. And is forgotten. -
Samuel Beckett

Death Quotes

To learn to die is to learn to live. Death is the giver of life. -
Michael Foley

Death Quotes

To pursue wisdom is to live in such a way that one is prepared to face death when it comes. (247) -
Gregory Bassham

Death Quotes

To study philosophy is nothing but to prepare one’s self to die. -
Marcus Tullius Cicero