Peter Kreeft

Truth Quotes

One of the few things in life that cannot possibly do harm in the end is the honest pursuit of the truth. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

Only God may be adored, because only God is unlimited goodness, truth, and beauty, and thus only God deserves unlimited love. -
Peter Kreeft

Truth Quotes

Only God may be adored, because only God is unlimited goodness, truth, and beauty, and thus only God deserves unlimited love. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

Protestants believe that the sacraments are like ladders that God gave to us by which we can climb up to Him. Catholics believe that they are like ladders that God gave to Himself by which He climbs down to us. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

The connection between art and Christ is like the connection between sunlight and the sun. It is, in fact, the connection between Sonlight and the Son. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

This is the secret of life: the self lives only by dying, finds its identity (and its happiness) only by self-forgetfulness, self-giving, self-sacrifice, and agape love. -
Peter Kreeft