Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

If you place [your bet] with God, you lose nothing, even if it turns out that God does not exist. But if you place it against God, and you are wrong and God does exist, you lose everything. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

It is closer to the truth to say that God is crazy than that God is reasonable. I suspect God merely smiles when someone calls him crazy, but shakes His head and frowns when someone calls Him reasonable. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

It is just as crazy not to be crazy about Christ as it is to be crazy about anything else. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

It is reasonable to love the Absolute absolutely for the same reason it is reasonable to love the relative relatively. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

Like apes, we breed, sleep, and die. Yet like God we say, "I am." We are ontological oxymorons. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

Most theists are deists most of the time, in practice if not in theory. They practice the absence of God instead of the presence of God. -
Peter Kreeft