Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

He perched the bat on his shoulder, giving a nod that he understood I needed his help. With one loud yell and a couple swings of the bat, he cleared me another path. -
Holly Hood

Romance Quotes

He pulled her close kissing her mouth taking her by surprise. He stepped back passion smoldering in his eyes. She looked at him touching her mouth where his kiss still burned. -
Amanda Stephan

Romance Quotes

He pulled me toward him, and all I could do was stand there with arms at my sides and head against his chest. Broken, I feared even the slightest movement would cause pieces of me to snap off and fall to the gritty pavement. -
Jodi LaPalm

Romance Quotes

He pushed himself up close to me, until he was right in my face and he smiled. I could feel him, down there... -
Martin Hopkins

Romance Quotes

He raised his hand to brush a stray hair from her face. Instead of dropping his hand, he slid it behind her neck and drew her closer. His earthy pine scent enveloped her. When his lips touched hers, she lost any hope of control. -
Lia Davis

Romance Quotes

He rarely saw a doorway without advancing through it as if he owned it. Since he owned a good many doorways, he would have pointed out that this was a reasonable assumption. -
Eloisa James