Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

He grinned, raising the glass to his lips, the liquid wetting his mouth. I wanted to be that glass. -from chapter Hurts So Good, The Boots My Mother Gave Me -
Brooklyn James

Romance Quotes

He had taken George, my beloved George, from me. And he had taken my other self: Anne. -
Philippa Gregory

Romance Quotes

He heard the voice that had called to him in dreams, had saved him from the sands and from following his brother into the river. -
V.S. Carnes

Romance Quotes

He hugged her hard. "I love you. My life is so much better with you in it than out of it. -
Cindy Gerard

Romance Quotes

He kept his eyes on mine, his gaze unblinking, and I stared right back into the blue. He moved almost imperceptibly and in the space between a heartbeat his lips touched mine. -
Sarah Alderson

Romance Quotes

He kissed her like he was going off to war. And she kissed him back like it was true. -
Rachel Van Dyken