Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Tak ada yang tahu perasaan apa yang disimpan dalam hati seseorang, mungkin itu sebabnya kita sering menebak dan berharap. -
Robin Wijaya

Romance Quotes

Te aseguro que no soy de las que quieren a medias. Mis sentimientos siempre son profundos y arraigados"... -
Jane Austen

Romance Quotes

Te juro por mi vida que jamás podré olvidarte. Y si te marchas, te voy a buscar hasta el confín de la tierra; o donde sea que estés. -
Viviana Rivero

Romance Quotes

Tell me, Lothaire, I want to know. Convince me why I should love you. Because any other female would! -
Kresley Cole

Romance Quotes

Tereza knew what happens during the moment love is born: the woman cannot resist the voice calling forth her terrified soul; the man cannot resist the woman whose soul thus responds to his voice. -
Milan Kundera

Romance Quotes

Thanks for not trying to see me when I looked like hell. To be fair, you still look pretty bad. -
John Green