Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Strano come certi ridicoli rituali appaiano perfettamente sensati quando si è innamorati. -
Alexandra Adornetto

Romance Quotes

Suatu pagi nanti, saya dan kamu akan berbagi telur dadar. Dengan dada berdebar, dan cinta yang berpendar. -
Hilda Nurina Sabikah

Romance Quotes

Success is hard, rewards are scant and the glory not always there. The Destiny of Dragons: Book of Wrath -
Billie-Jo Williams

Romance Quotes

Success=Assinchair -
Judy Griffith Gill

Romance Quotes

Suck on this, Edward. -
Danielle D. Smith

Romance Quotes

Suddenly he caught his reflection in the mirror behind her. His face was twisted into a dark scowl, and he was standing there naked, with a boner, and another man’s business card in his hand.He looked like a dick. -
Sarah Mayberry