Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

She was happy, she knew she was happy, and knew she ought to be happy. -
Jane Austen

Happiness Quotes

Si quieres que tus deseos duren, tienes que pedir algo que te haga feliz y no la felicidad. -
Jackson Pearce

Happiness Quotes

Sick of lame ducks, use Cosmic Ordering and your ducks will lay golden eggs. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Sigurno nešto nije u redu sa srec'om kad toliko ljudi preko noc'i bez rada želi doc'i do srec'e. -
Miro Gavran

Happiness Quotes

Simply being kind brings happiness every time ... -
Ian Tucker

Happiness Quotes

Smile. Your eyes sparkle when you do. -
Coco J. Ginger