Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

She avoids deep thought like an empty restaurant, not out of stupidity, but a canny resolve to be happy. -
Alex Shakar

Happiness Quotes

She felt happy these days, yet there was always an undercurrent of sadness just below the surface -
Diane Chamberlain

Happiness Quotes

She had received ideas which disposed her to be courteous and kind to all, and to pity every one, as being less happy than herself. -
Jane Austen

Happiness Quotes

She knows what it is to be sad and miserable, but those emotions are almost enjoyable. They throw moments of happiness and laughter into sharper relief. -
Simon Mawer

Happiness Quotes

She still cared for me, and the best way I could make amends to her was to be happy.I do have a knack for finding great women. -
Craig Ferguson

Happiness Quotes

She wanted to write about something other then love. Yet her freethinking pen seemed more adhered to her heart then to her head. A battle she never felt worth fighting. -
Coco J. Ginger