Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

The British do not expect happiness. I had the impression, all the time that I lived there, that they do not want to be happy; they want to be right. -
Quentin Crisp

Happiness Quotes

The commencement of true happiness is the realization that your happiness begins with you. -
Ogwo David Emenike

Happiness Quotes

The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happiness Quotes

The decision is mine, and I choose happiness -
Malori Howell

Happiness Quotes

The face of a truly happy man seldom lacks smiles. -
Ogwo David Emenike

Happiness Quotes

The fastest way to double your money is to use Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards