Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

That’s what love is like: mother of the greatest bliss and stepmother of the most tragic misery. -
Stefanos Livos

Happiness Quotes

The advance of regret can be so gradual that it is impossible to say "yesterday I was happy, today I am not. -
E.M. Forster

Happiness Quotes

The amusements of life, he argued, should be accepted with the same philosophy as its ills. ("The Striding Place") -
Gertrude Atherton

Happiness Quotes

The basic mistake people make is to think that happiness is the goal! -
François Lelord

Happiness Quotes

The best way to insure you achieve the greatest satisfaction out of life is to behave intentionally. -
Deborah Day

Happiness Quotes

The bitterest hardships, the most daunting trials; none of these are burdens if it means being with you. -
Richelle E. Goodrich