Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

So what", she thought.....body half thrown over the glass edge of her sun and glory filled balcony. "So what", a phrase she had habited to repeat steadily after every self-collapsing thought, concerning other humans and their egotistical opinions. -
Coco J. Ginger

Happiness Quotes

Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch. -
Walt Whitman

Happiness Quotes

Some people only dream of success… while others wake up and use Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Some will always expect tragedy ... experience success with Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole story. -
François Lelord

Happiness Quotes

Sometimes I feel like one of those sliding tile puzzles. I just get so dang close to what I want to see in the mirror and who I want to be... but then I have to completely jumble up the pieces to try to get even closer. -
Erica Goros