Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

Science of happiness lies in our understanding. The secrets of happiness lie in our capacity to expand our heart. -
Amit Ray

Happiness Quotes

Secret of happiness: eating chocolate as one makes love. Making love as one eat chocolate. -
Guto Graca

Happiness Quotes

Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. -
Mary Shelley

Happiness Quotes

Settle, for sure and universally, what conduct will promote the happiness of a rational being. -
Immanuel Kant

Happiness Quotes

Sex could be a blissful communion,. But it could also be a weapon, and its absence, sometimes, was required for the establishment of peace. -
Ann Brashares

Happiness Quotes

Sharing is caring. -
Asraa Abdelqader