Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry. -
Richard Dawkins

Faith Quotes

The more you delve into science, the more it appears to rely on faith. -
Jon Stewart

Faith Quotes

The only opportunity you will ever have to live by faith is in the circumstances you are provided this very day: this house you live in, this family you find yourself in, this job you have been given, the weather conditions that prevail at the ...moment. -
Eugene H. Peterson

Faith Quotes

The only real fall of man is his noneucharistic life in a noneucharistic world. -
Alexander Schmemann

Faith Quotes

The only sweeter than union is reunion. -
Kathleen McGowan

Faith Quotes

The only thing that guarantees an open-ended collaboration among human beings, the only thing that guarantees that this project is truly open-ended, is a willingness to have our beliefs and behaviors modified by the power of conversation. -
Sam Harris