Dreams Quotes

Dreams Quotes

The art of living is the art of bringing dreams and reality together. -
Tom Hodgkinson

Dreams Quotes

The beliefs you hold strongly in your mind will become your dreams and in time become your reality. -
Steven Redhead

Dreams Quotes

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. -
Paul Valery

Dreams Quotes

The day, like the previous days, dragged sluggishly by in a kind of insipid idleness, devoid even of that dreamy expectancy which can make idleness so enchanting. -
Vladimir Nabokov

Dreams Quotes

The deleriums of fever and the recollections of dreams rise out of the remote past: what the waking and the healthy seem to have forgotten, the sleeping and the sick remember. -
Paul Radestock

Dreams Quotes

The dream begins, most of the time,with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth -
Dan Rather