Dreams Quotes

Dreams Quotes

sometimes people wont like you but the question is do you love yourself are you the person you want to be you can do anything when you put your hart into it -
rayanna phillips

Dreams Quotes

Sometimes, we feel conscious but unable to move our body. The first thing to do is focus in a prayer, then start to wink frequently.By this way, slowly but sure our body can be moved totally by our persistent willpower. -
Toba Beta

Dreams Quotes

Souls and memories can do strange things during trance. -
Bram Stoker

Dreams Quotes

Still the heights of flying remains to be arrived.Still the wise lessons of life remains to be experienced.Its only the handful of accomplishments has been achieved.The real destiny is yet to be won. -
Ishwar Jha

Dreams Quotes

Strange are the pictures of the future that mankind can thus draw with this brush of faith and these many-coloured pigments of the imagination! Strange, too, that no one of them tallies with another! -
H. Rider Haggard

Dreams Quotes

Strange dreams are better than no dreams at all. -
Vera Nazarian