Death Quotes

Death Quotes

I will not tell you our love story, because-like all real love stories-it will die with us,as it should. -
John Green

Death Quotes

I wish to live to 150 years old, but the day I die, I wish it to be with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. -
Ava Gardner

Death Quotes

I wonder how it takes you, that moment when everything turns to shadows. - Somerled. -
Juliet Marillier

Death Quotes

I wonder if it hurts to live,And if they have to try,And whether, could they choose between,They would not rather die. -
Emily Dickinson

Death Quotes

I wonder if it hurts to live,And if they have to try,And whether, could they choose between,They would not rather die. -
Emily Dickinson

Death Quotes

I wonder if it hurts to live,And if they have to try,And whether, could they choose between,They would not rather die. -
Emily Dickinson