Death Quotes

Death Quotes

I wanted to play with death, like a child with a new toy, I wanted to push all the buttons and see what would happen. -
Holly Hood

Death Quotes

I was always holding onto people, and they were always leaving. -
Lili St. Crow

Death Quotes

I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me. -
Dorothy B. Hughes

Death Quotes

I was caught in a love triangle with one dead side. -
John Green

Death Quotes

I was discovering that the most precious gift someone can give us is time, because what gives time its value is death. -
Ingrid Betancourt

Death Quotes

I was just walking around saying We’re all gonna die! I never got over it. I went to class, I did what I had to do, but I was a gibbering idiot. It never went away. I never again felt the same way about life and death. -
Anne Rice