Veronica Rossi

Romance Quotes

He’d pushed it back, where he’d kept the thought for weeks, but it wouldn’t stay. Wouldn’t stop. Wouldn’t let him go. -
Veronica Rossi

Romance Quotes

His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal’s armpit. -
Veronica Rossi

Friendship Quotes

I agree with you, Marron said quietly. For what it’s worth. Perry nodded in thanks. It was worth a lot just then. -
Veronica Rossi

Romance Quotes

It was a message from her. A reminder—here among hundreds of people—of a moment that had been theirs alone. -
Veronica Rossi

Romance Quotes

Love is a rebellious bird that nobody can tame. -
Veronica Rossi

Romance Quotes

This is what I wanted tonight. Time away from the tribe with Liv and Perry, and even with Brooke. With no responsibilities and nothing to do except be. -
Veronica Rossi