Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

Remembered pain tightened his mouth into a grim line. The weeks he’d spent looking for her had left permanent scars on his heart. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

She could not leave him hanging like this. If you were hurt, I need to know. It was a rule somewhere, in the good-guy handbook. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

She’d never known a man whose initial move was to undress the woman he wanted. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

You can’t possibly be afraid of trees. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

You’re staring at my ass. Yes, I am. It’s what he did in the mornings, when she woke up and spent the first hour lying around in bed. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

You’ve stopped crying. I’m glad. I don’t want you to cry anymore. -
Tara Janzen