Tammara Webber

Romance Quotes

I had never noticed Lucas before that night. It was as though hedidn’t exist, and then suddenly, he was everywhere. -
Tammara Webber

Truth Quotes

I shrugged. I guess that guys who’d never do something like that have a hard time believing some other guy would, I said, but I could see her point. Awareness and apologies were fine and good, but they could come too late. -
Tammara Webber

Hope Quotes

I try to be rational and suppress the hope that this is for real, but hope has a way of closing its eyes to reason and it just keeps growing. -
Tammara Webber

Love Quotes

Love is not the absence of logicbut logic examined and recalculatedheated and curved to fitinside the contours of the heart -
Tammara Webber