Søren Kierkegaard

Life Quotes

I feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess, when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved. -
Søren Kierkegaard

Life Quotes

I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations — one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it — you will regret both. -
Søren Kierkegaard

Life Quotes

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. -
Søren Kierkegaard

Life Quotes

Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth — look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment. -
Søren Kierkegaard

Death Quotes

Once you are born in this world you’re old enough to die. -
Søren Kierkegaard

God Quotes

The paradox in Christian truth is invariably due to the fact that it is the truth that exists for God. The standard of measure and the end is superhuman; and there is only one relationship possible: faith. -
Søren Kierkegaard