Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

Surprises, I feel now, are primarily a form of violence. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

Take me now, God!" I shout to the inky sky. "I´m ready.""You´re not ready. You´re not even divorced yet," Bunny says. "You cannot die married to that man. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

The Betty Lady explains love and splitting up: "It´s like playing the shell game with Jesus. You can´t figure anything out; it´s best not to try. You´ll just humiliate yourself. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

The snag about marriage is, it isn´t worth the divorce. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

They feel life is for the taking, and that everyone deserves happiness no matter what the cost. I must remember these tricks if I ever decide to have my soul surgically removed. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Relationships Quotes

Très, très, triste... -
Suzanne Finnamore