Richelle E. Goodrich

God Quotes

Dear God,I hurt. Please hold me.Amen -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Death Quotes

Death. What a brief word for the extinguishing of life. To be no more. To have days cut off and at their end. To never again..........anything. -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Dreams Quotes

Employing your imagination is the first step to the fulfillment of any dream. -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Hope Quotes

Faith to me is trusting in every evidence that something is - that it is possible, that it is significant, that it is real. -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Faith Quotes

Faith to me is trusting in every evidence that something is - that it is possible, that it is significant, that it is real. -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Hope Quotes

Goals are my north star. My compass. The map that guides me along the road I wish to travel. Goals are motivations with wind in their sails - they carry me forward despite the storms. -
Richelle E. Goodrich