R. Alan Woods

Death Quotes

In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity".~R. Alan Woods [2012] -
R. Alan Woods

Faith Quotes

Love is faith in action." ~R. Alan Woods [2006] -
R. Alan Woods

Truth Quotes

Objective Reality and Truth requires neither ones consent nor dissent. -
R. Alan Woods

Faith Quotes

Reason and Faith are no more antithetical than the mind and the heart, for neither one exists or has meaning without the other". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] -
R. Alan Woods

Faith Quotes

Reason and Faith are not antithetical, but rather synergistic". -
R. Alan Woods

Truth Quotes

The either/or vs. the both/and views of objective reality & truth determine God to either exist in confinement or free to be who He is, I Am That I Am". ~R. Alan Woods [2012 -
R. Alan Woods