Nadège Richards

Faith Quotes

Give unto your all everything, for you never know when it will be your last... -
Nadège Richards

God Quotes

Give unto your all everything, for you never know when it will be your last... -
Nadège Richards

Hope Quotes

I wish for today and dream of yesterday. If the gods should hold me in their favor, then I shall hope for tomorrow. -
Nadège Richards

Faith Quotes

I wish for today and dream of yesterday. If the gods should hold me in their favor, then I shall hope for tomorrow. -
Nadège Richards

Faith Quotes

The sun rises in the east every morning and falls in the west, Ayden. Darknesses are awaken and fate is tested, destinies are foreseen. Thy soul the only enemy, a hero is born. A new light rises once again... -
Nadège Richards