Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Success Quotes

Be confident in your approach to success in having a better future. Take risks, try new things, become diligent, and find new techniques because in the end you will develop a compelling emotional element. -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Success Quotes

I rather now strive to reach rather than wait to receive! -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Relationships Quotes

It all comes down to that one person you always think about before you fall asleep at night. And text "Good Morning" as soon as you wake up. -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Friendship Quotes

Stop worrying about being that perfect person because no one is perfect. Put your focus on being that right person that will love, understand, and care for that other. -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Friendship Quotes

Strong relationships come from well-bonded friendships. -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Relationships Quotes

Strong relationships come from well-bonded friendships. -
Jonathan Anthony Burkett