Hermann Hesse

Happiness Quotes

I hope death will be a great happiness, a happiness as great as that of love, fulfilled love -
Hermann Hesse

Hope Quotes

I might be a beast astray, with no sense of its environment, yet there was some meaning in my foolish life, something in me gave an answer and was the receiver of those distant calls from worlds far above. -
Hermann Hesse

Death Quotes

Ich werde stehen und warten.Ich werde müde werden.Ich werde nicht einschlafen.Ich werde sterben. -
Hermann Hesse

Love Quotes

If I know what love is, it is because of you. -
Hermann Hesse

Humor Quotes

In eternity there is no time, only an instant long enough for a joke. -
Hermann Hesse

Death Quotes

Mirtis kvepe.jo lietaus lašais pakele.s lapuose. -
Hermann Hesse