Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Happiness Quotes

One could be happy not only without love, but despite it. -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Relationships Quotes

One minute of reconciliation is worth more than a whole life of friendship!"~One Hundred Years of Solitude -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Death Quotes

She nailed it to the wall with her well-aimed dart, like a butterfly with no will whose sentence has always been written. -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Death Quotes

The people one loves should take all their things with them when they die. -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Love Quotes

The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast. -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Love Quotes

Then he made one last effort to search in his heart for the place where his affection had rotted away, and he could not find it. -
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez