Francesca Lia Block

Family Quotes

Each of us has a family tree full of stories inside of us, Dirk thought. Each of us has a story blossoming out of us. -
Francesca Lia Block

Happiness Quotes

It was always a relief when she came home to him. Like water or food. Like music or that moment when you cut yourself with a knife and squeeze the skin and no blood oozes out. -
Francesca Lia Block

Love Quotes

Love is a dangerous angel. -
Francesca Lia Block

Hope Quotes

They knew, though, she would not suffer as they had suffered. She was perfect. They were scarred. -
Francesca Lia Block

Inspirational Quotes

This was not a fearie tale. This was not the movies. This was life. It hurt more. It was excruciating. It was excruciatingly beautiful. -
Francesca Lia Block

Death Quotes

War is being reminded that you are completely at the mercy of death at every moment, without the illusion that you are not. Without the distractions that make life worth living. -
Francesca Lia Block