Fernando Pessoa

Death Quotes

If after I die, people want to write my biography, there is nothing simpler. They only need two dates: the date of my birth and the date of my death. Between one and another, every day is mine. -
Fernando Pessoa

Life Quotes

If after I die, people want to write my biography, there is nothing simpler. They only need two dates: the date of my birth and the date of my death. Between one and another, every day is mine. -
Fernando Pessoa

Dreams Quotes

Só o que sonhamos é o que verdadeiramente somos, porque o mais, por estar realizado, pertenece ao mundo e a toda a gente -
Fernando Pessoa

Inspirational Quotes

The value of things is not the time they last, but the intensity with which they occur. That is why there are unforgettable moments and unique people! -
Fernando Pessoa

Life Quotes

There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful. -
Fernando Pessoa