Erica Goros

Hope Quotes

I am forever grateful for not knowing—What would have been. WHAT WILL BE holds none of those bittersweet pangs and it is lit w joy. -
Erica Goros

God Quotes

I spend a lot of time looking up. -
Erica Goros

Relationships Quotes

Love is seeking the good and being the good. -
Erica Goros

Happiness Quotes

Sometimes I feel like one of those sliding tile puzzles. I just get so dang close to what I want to see in the mirror and who I want to be... but then I have to completely jumble up the pieces to try to get even closer. -
Erica Goros

God Quotes

Thank God I have seen an orange sky with purple clouds. -
Erica Goros

Relationships Quotes

Unfortunately we do treat others as we treat ourselves. We should try being genuinely kind to ourselves first and the rest will come naturally, like an 18-kt. Golden Rule. -
Erica Goros