E. M. Forster

Love Quotes

Love is always being given where it is not required. -
E. M. Forster

Life Quotes

One must be fond of people and trust them if one is not to make a mess of life. -
E. M. Forster

Love Quotes

The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death. -
E. M. Forster

Life Quotes

The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death. -
E. M. Forster

Love Quotes

Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things. -
E. M. Forster

Life Quotes

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. -
E. M. Forster