Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Truth Quotes

Cada vez que un libro cambia de manos, cada vez que alguien desliza la mirada por sus páginas, su espíritu crece y se hace fuerte. (Sempere) -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Truth Quotes

Few things are more deceptive than memories. -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

God Quotes

If there is a god, or hundreds of them, I hope they will forgive me for the harm I may have inflicted on you by telling you exactly what happened. -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Life Quotes

Most of us have the good or bad fortune of seeing our lives fall apart so slowly we barely notice. -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Love Quotes

One loves truly only once in a lifetime, Julian, even if one isn’t aware of it. -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Inspirational Quotes

that as long as we are being remembered, we remain alive. -
Carlos Ruiz Zafón