Billy Graham

Love Quotes

God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you." -
Billy Graham

Love Quotes

Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. -
Billy Graham

Inspirational Quotes

We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding. -
Billy Graham

Inspirational Quotes

We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding. -
Billy Graham

Inspirational Quotes

We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding. -
Billy Graham

Inspirational Quotes

We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding. -
Billy Graham