Benson Bruno

Death Quotes

Dying isn’t as lucrative as it once was, especially since purple cloth has become so cheap. I’m switching to the business of death instead. I just got hired by the American Medical Association -
Benson Bruno

Death Quotes

Imagine a world where everything is free, then seek counseling. That’s too much death to be thinking about. -
Benson Bruno

Happiness Quotes

Taking pleasure in the happiness of others – if only our age was so decadent. -
Benson Bruno

Friendship Quotes

The best of friends are those who reflect you. Yup, nothing makes me feel special like polishing my bowling trophies. -
Benson Bruno

Death Quotes

The thought of death petrifies me. I hope I can escape from this swamp before that happens. I’m really an easygoing guy, and I’d hate to think future generations seeing me as a hard man. -
Benson Bruno

God Quotes

Theists count themselves among the aforementioned. They affirm they will be saved a lot of confusion. -
Benson Bruno