Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world. All we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them! -
Muhammad Yunus

Truth Quotes

The possibility of truth has become a delusion to those who made their own disguise the truth. -
Nema Al-Araby

Truth Quotes

The problem with escaping is that we leave behind us, even among those we love, different versions of the truth and everything we couldn’t bring ourselves to say.—Frederick Weisel, Teller: A Novel -
Frederick Weisel

Truth Quotes

The problem with quotes on the internet is you never know if they are genuine. -
Joseph Stalin

Truth Quotes

The pursuit of truth, not of facts, is the business of fiction. -
Oakley Hall

Truth Quotes

The reason authors almost always put a dedication on a book is, because their selfishness even horrifies themselves in the end. -
Stephen King