Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

If it ever occurs to people to value the honour of the mind equally with the honour of the body, we shall get a social revolution of a quite unparalleled sort. -
Dorothy L. Sayers

Truth Quotes

If man could apply half the ingenuity he’s exhibited in the creation of weapons to more sensible ends, there’s no limit to what he might yet accomplish -
Mark Frost

Truth Quotes

If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple one: that most human beings are inescapably alone, and therein lies their tragedy. -
Richard Yates

Truth Quotes

If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. -

Truth Quotes

If only they would all just leave me alone with my books and my letters, I would be content to let life, and the world pass me by -
Alison Weir

Truth Quotes

If only, we could stop taking our job as an OPPORTUNITY and work honestly as a DUTY, this world would be a much better, peaceful and loving place to live in. -