Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Looking for Truth is not some kind of spazzy free-for-all, not even during this, the great age of the spazzy free-for-all. -
Elizabeth Gilbert

Truth Quotes

Lots of men think that women should tell the truth, explain their feelings. These men should use their wishes more wisely. (Prepare To Die!, p.27) -
Paul Tobin

Truth Quotes

Love is not measured by acts or years, but by truth between two people. -
Evan Meekins

Truth Quotes

love is tied to truth. I think of them as unhappily conjoined twins. -
David Levithan

Truth Quotes

Loving another person is a wonderful thing, and if that love is sincere, no one ends up tossed into a labyrinth. You have to have more faith in yourself. -
Haruki Murakami

Truth Quotes

Lying eats into the soul. If it becomes a habit it frays the edge of your spirit. Truth telling, although sometimes harder to do, strengthens your heart. It serves a person ill not to tell the truth. -
Theresa Breslin