Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

I say what other people only think, and when all the rest of the world is in a conspiracy to accept the mask for the true face, mine is the rash hand that tears off the plump pasteboard and shows the bare bones beneath. -
Wilkie Collins

Truth Quotes

I should have learned this, she thought. I wanted to learn fire, and pain, but I should have learned people. -
Terry Pratchett

Truth Quotes

I shrugged. I guess that guys who’d never do something like that have a hard time believing some other guy would, I said, but I could see her point. Awareness and apologies were fine and good, but they could come too late. -
Tammara Webber

Truth Quotes

I suppose that we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him. -
Bram Stoker

Truth Quotes

I Take Life Very Seriously: One Joke At A Time. -
Sandra Chami Kassis

Truth Quotes

I tell you the truth, everyone who lives in sin is a slave to sin. A slave does not stay with a family forever, but a son belongs to the family FOREVER. So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free! -