Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

We have to speak the truth always, at any cost, and no matter what. -
Samael Aun Weor

Truth Quotes

We hit and we kept on hitting; we were allowed to be what we were, frightened and vengeful — little animals, clawing at what we needed. -
Justin Torres

Truth Quotes

We learn to make a shell for ourselves when we are young and then spend the rest of our lives hoping for someone to reach inside and touch us. Just touch us—anything more than that would be too much for us to bear. -
Bill Russell

Truth Quotes

We must think things not words, or at least we must constantly translate our words into the facts for which they stand, if we are to keep to the real and the true. -
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Truth Quotes

We never realize just how many other lives we can help when their paths cross our own. -
Wil Zeus

Truth Quotes

We speak the truth because we live in truth. -
José Luis Ruiz