Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before. -
Robert James Waller

Truth Quotes

And just when I though things were starting to get better, everything had gone wrong again. -
Rachel Ward

Truth Quotes

And remember that within every lie, there is a truth hidden. Know the truth to defeat the lie. -
T.A. Miles

Truth Quotes

And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices. -
Joyce Carol Oates

Truth Quotes

And this shows that sometimes people want to be stupid and they do not want to know the truth. -
Mark Haddon

Truth Quotes

And trust dies from ifs and buts -
Aidan Chambers