Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Truth exists for the wise, beauty for the feeling heart. -
Johann Von Schiller

Truth Quotes

Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think… -
John Stuart Mill

Truth Quotes

Truth has to be credible or it makes as much trouble as any lie! -
Sidney Howard

Truth Quotes

Truth inevitably pierces its target, the hearts of men".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] -
R. Alan Woods

Truth Quotes

truth is a friendthat asks for loyaltyand acceptancethen it enters our heartsdissolving the boundariesfreeing us from lonliness -

Truth Quotes

Truth is a matter of semantics, whether we like it or not. -
Michael Robotham