Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Some people say, ‘Do not judge the book by its cover!’ Well, I say not to judge at all. People can say anything they want to say, but for me, cover does matter. -
Toba Beta

Truth Quotes

some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems being watched by real people to forget their real problems. -
Chuck Palahniuk

Truth Quotes

Some will call this self-indulgence(They are lucky not to know its truth)Some will know the simple fact of painThis is becoming my normality -
Sarah Kane

Truth Quotes

Sometimes a clearly defined error is the only way to discover the truth -
Benjamin Wiker

Truth Quotes

Sometimes a woman will look back on what she had, not because she wants to go there but to motivate her to do better. -
Reuben " Mulah Truth " Holmes II

Truth Quotes

Sometimes it is harder to accede to a thing than it is to see its truth. -
Friedrich Nietzsche