Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

He, who thought it necessary to maintain himself in her good graces, strove to console her under her disappointment by committing a little violence upon truth. -
Matthew Gregory Lewis

Truth Quotes

Hell is truth known too late. -
J.C. Ryle

Truth Quotes

Hello, I am Oscar Wilde -
Oscar Wilde

Truth Quotes

Her life was one endless loop that she raced around, with steep banked curves so she could never change or slow down. It just delivered her back to herself, over and over and over. -
Chris Cleave

Truth Quotes

Her maktul katilinde yas,amaya devam eder. -
Elif S,hafak

Truth Quotes

Here was an absolutely compelling road sign. Stay on the road of objective truth - there is objective being and objective value. Stay on the road. There is Truth. There is a Point and Purpose and Essence to it all. Keep searching. You will find it. -
John Piper