Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. -
Jef Mallett

Truth Quotes

An outree explanation, violating all our preconceptions, would never pass for a true account of a novelty. We should scratch round industriously till we found something less excentric. -
William James

Truth Quotes

An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood. -
Aldous Huxley

Truth Quotes

Anachron’s Law:There is no myth which is so irrational that no one will believe it.Anachron’s Corollary:There is no truth which is so obvious that everyone will accept it. -
George Hammond

Truth Quotes

And by the way, if I always tell you the truth, you might start to believe me. -
Victor L. Wooten

Truth Quotes

And even a liar can be scared into telling the truth, same as honest man can be tortured into telling a lie. -
William Faulkner